Flames engulfed the original Havenwood Falls Public Library last March in a fatal electrical fire.
Today Mayor Barbara Stuart and the city council will cut the ribbon to re-open the Havenwood Falls Public Library prior to the Founders Day celebration. The library burnt down in a terrible inferno last March, claiming one life, Jennifer Ravenal. The Classics wing on the second floor has been named in memory of Ms. Ravenal.
Everett Weston of Weston Architectural Design Firm designed the new library structure with interior design by Graysin Ravenal. Contractor was McCabe & Sons Construction.
The new book Covetousness by Randi Cooley Wilson provides more details about the fire and the new library. As part of the agreement with the Court of the Sun and the Moon, information provided in any Havenwood Falls books is allegedly fiction. We at Sun & Moon Tribune are investigating this story further to clarify fact from fiction.